
Hi there, 

Welcome to my virtual home! Come on in and have a seat while I whip us up some hot cocoa. The chair by the fireplace is comfy, it reclines too! You must be freezing, the wind has been howling for the past few hours now. Grab a blanket and get settled in. I have stories to tell you and secrets to share. 

What kinds of stories and secrets, you might be wondering. Stories of undying love, heartbreak and hope. I’ll introduce you to hidden worlds where mythical creatures reside. 

Want to hear more? Here, enjoy this hot cocoa and feel free to roam around and explore my virtual home. My name is Sunaina Kaur Nijjar, but for convenience sake, you can call me S. K. Nijjar. I won’t mind. I write YA paranormal romance stories, with a touch of fantasy included. The journey to publishing a novel is a long one, with many twists and turns. On my blog, you will find posts about what I’m currently working on, what I’ve learned along the way and some other topics that I think you’ll find entertaining. 

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