Books,  Entertainment,  The Immortal Realm

Immortal Realm Mermaids

Immortal Realm Mermaids - an image of a mermaid sitting on a rock in the water with a sunset behind her.
Image created on Canva Pro

Hey guys, I’ve always wanted to write a mermaid story so today I’m excited to share with you that there are mermaids in the Immortal Realm! In today’s blog post, I’ll share with you what I believe makes them unique. If this is your first time coming to my website, welcome to my virtual home! Glad to have you here. 

If you’ve missed some blog posts about the Immortal Realm or haven’t read them yet, here they are. 

Can they walk on land?

One question that always comes up when people read about mermaids is how often can they walk on land? What are the rules? 

Well for starters, they are similar to vampires I mentioned last week in the sense that they don’t gain their full abilities until they turn eighteen. Until then, they are practically human but they can only transform into mermaids once a month on the day of their birth. So if they’re born on the fifth of March, every month on the fifth, they have to be in the water because they’ll turn into a mermaid. After they turn 18, they have options. They can choose to stay on land or they can choose the water.

Their power

The mermaids have the power over the water. Their powers are similar to aquatic witches that I talked about in my blog post about Elemental witches, but their power over the water is stronger than aquatic witches. 

Some can see people’s future if they see them through the water, and some of them are able to talk to fish. Some can heal people with water, and not just physical wounds either but also mental and psychological problems too. But for this, they have to keep giving them the healing water over a long period of time.

Well this was a pretty short blog but it was a lot of fun to write! Hope you enjoyed reading it too. Let me know what you think of the Immortal Realm Mermaids.

I'm Sunaina Nijjar. Writer of YA paranormal romance, college student, and collector of snow globes. I love cooking, baking and all things book related.

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