writing updates

Blog Update

Hey guys, I want to take a second and thank you for coming back to my blog and reading weekly. I appreciate you guys joining me on my blogging journey. As much as I love writing new blog posts, I won’t be able to for the next couple weeks.

Lately I’ve had more time to spend on my writing and my blog, but at the worst possible timing, I’ve developed an eye infection that I’ve been struggling with for the last couple weeks.

It’s a stye infection caused by blocked oil glands, so I’ve been having swelling occurring on both eyes. My doctor has advised me to stay off of electronics until the swelling goes down, which might take anywhere from one to three weeks. Looking at a computer screen strains my eyes, which is why I will be putting my blog on hold for the time being.

Once again guys, thanks to all of you who enjoy reading my blogs as much as I enjoy writing them, and I will hopefully get back to normal soon so I can continue sharing more about the Immortal Realm!

I’ll try to get back to blogging as soon as possible. In the meantime, check out some of my previous blog posts incase you missed them.

I'm Sunaina Nijjar. Writer of YA paranormal romance, college student, and collector of snow globes. I love cooking, baking and all things book related.

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