Books,  Entertainment,  The Immortal Realm

Vampires of the Immortal Realm

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Hey guys, hope you’re excited to learn about the vampires of the Immortal Realm! I really enjoy writing these blog posts about my fictional world and hope you enjoy reading them as well. If you’re new to my site, welcome! I’m glad you found your way here.

If you haven’t already, or missed one, feel free to check out the previous blogs about the Immortal Realm. 


When reading about vampires, the first thing everyone wants to ask is how were they created? Well, the vampires of the Immortal Realm weren’t created; they were born as vampires. Just like witches are born witches, vampires are also born as vampires. They have different DNA than witches.

In fact, all Immortal species have different DNA. This may make you wonder what will happen if a witch and a vampire procreate, what will the child be? This depends on the species of the mother because it is passed down from the mother to the child. So if the father is a vampire and the mother a witch, the child will be a witch.

The Bite

So if a vampire is born that way then does their bite turn others into vampires? No. You have to be born a vampire and you can’t be turned. Although there is the issue of insanity. If the same person is bit over and over again over a long period of time, they will start to go insane. They develop a thirst for blood but they aren’t vampires so the problem is psychological. 

This is more common in mortals from our world because we are weaker than the immortals. That’s where the myth of turning vampires with a bite started in our world. Vampires from the Immortal Realm crossed over to here and their victims started showing symptoms of vampirism. 

In my blog post introducing the Immortal Realm, I briefly mentioned that there has been crossover between this world and the Immortal Realm. I’ll cover what that means more in depth in a future blog post, but basically it means that vampires, witches and other Immortal beings have crossed over from the Immortal Realm into the mortal realm.

Enhanced Strength

Vampires of the Immortal Realm have enhanced strength, but unlike other vampires we read about, they don’t have enhanced speed, hearing and vision; they just have the extra strength. In fact, all Immortal creatures have one enhanced sense. 

As I mentioned in my introductory blog post about the Immortal Realm, immortals age differently than us. Up to the age of eighteen, they age the same way we do, one year at a time. After that, it changes. To turn 19 takes another 18 years, and then when you turn 19 it takes 19 years to turn 20. So the older you get, the longer it takes you to age. 

I mentioned this because for vampires, their enhanced strength starts to develop in puberty but when they turn eighteen they get their full strength.


Another unavoidable question that comes up whenever vampires are discussed is their diet. As in, do they drink human blood or animal blood? Do they eat food or can they not stand it? Well, I have answers to these questions!

First of all, let me tell you that until a vampire turns eighteen, their bloodthirst doesn’t kick in. They don’t have a need to drink blood until then, so they’re pretty much on the same diet as humans. 

After that, they have to drink human blood to stay alive. When I say human, I am referring to any kind of mortal or immortal. Even though they need blood to stay alive, they don’t have to drink it more than three times a week. They eat normal food too but can’t survive on just that alone. 

Luckily for everyone, immortals make weekly donations so there is more than enough blood for the vampires. They don’t drink from the vein, they get blood bags that they store in the fridge and when they’re ready to drink it they pour it into a glass and drink it. 

Of course, not everyone is good. There are vampires that go dark and start attacking people. Luckily though, immortals don’t die when the blood is drained from their body. As I mentioned in my previous post about how to kill an immortal, there are only two ways: cutting off the head with a flaming sword or with a sword forged in a dragon’s breath. 

The reason they don’t die is actually very interesting scientifically. When an immortal’s body realizes that it’s losing significant amounts of blood, their heart stops pumping blood, thus trapping a small amount of blood in the heart. Then when the body is drained of blood, the heart starts beating again and rapidly producing blood cells to replenish the blood that was drained.

Their Special Power

Vampires have a special power: they are able to heal people. But the way they do it is a bit different. Their saliva has healing powers so if they want to heal someone they have to either bite them or kiss them.

So that’s all I have about the vampires of the Immortal Realm. I hope you enjoyed reading about them! Let me know what you thought in the comments.

I'm Sunaina Nijjar. Writer of YA paranormal romance, college student, and collector of snow globes. I love cooking, baking and all things book related.


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