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Why do I write?

Every writer will have their own reasons for why they write. Some do it for fame, others for money, some to escape, and others to express themselves. Today I want to share with you my 3 reasons why I write. 

I have to tell my characters’ stories.

This may not make sense to you unless you’re also a writer, but my characters become so realistic to me. I can feel what they’re feeling. I can see what’s happening to them while I write. It’s like a movie that plays in my head. I can hear them talking to each other about the strangest things, often at the strangest times too, like when I’m driving or about to fall asleep. I have to write because I owe it to my characters to tell people about them, so others can fall in love with them as much as I have. You can read more about my current works in progress here.

I have a dream

I’ve always wanted to be a successful author, but my definition of success is different than what you might expect. I would call myself successful when I am able to touch readers the way my favorite authors have touched me. 

When someone stays up all night because they can’t put my book down, that will be success!

The day someone falls so deeply in love with the characters that they cry when one of them ends up dying, that will be success!

When someone contacts me after reading my story and demands to know when the next book will be out because they want to read it right away, that will be success!

And one day when my entire series is published and someone will finish it, only to be miserable that the journey with the characters is over, that will be success!

I want to be an author whose character people remember even after they’ve put the book down.

I can’t imagine not writing

I’ve developed such a passion for writing now, that I can’t imagine not doing it. Someone tweeted last week asking if you were given one million dollars to stop writing for a year, would you do it. I didn’t think for even a second before saying no. And it’s true, I wouldn’t take the money if it meant I couldn’t write. Like I mentioned up above, I write because I fall in love with my characters and I am the only one who will ever be able to tell the world their story. I owe it to them to write it out.

Every writer has their own reasons for why they do it. Those were my three main reasons, though I do have more. If you are a writer, why do you write? If you are not a writer, what is your favorite hobby and why do you do it?

I'm Sunaina Nijjar. Writer of YA paranormal romance, college student, and collector of snow globes. I love cooking, baking and all things book related.


  • Prettysam

    Oh it’s so important and good at every age to write. Writting is the best way to calm down my mind my thoughts. never stop writing. All the best. Rock the world babe.

    • S. K. Nijjar

      Hi. Thank you for sharing. I agree, it’s nice being able to express yourself with your writing. When your emotions are real, it makes the characters emotions seem real as well. I’ve always found that when I write, I forget about any stress I’m experiencing because I get lost in the story, just like when I’m reading.

  • Adam

    I’m exactly the same with the characters. Creating characters is what I absolutely love to do. Once I am developing one, it becomes an obsession.

  • Amber

    Having an imagination is such an important thing! I love writing it is deffo my creative outlet now that I have started my blog!

    • S. K. Nijjar

      Hi Amber, thanks for sharing. Blogging for me has been a fun learning experience because it’s a completely different medium than writing fiction but fun nonetheless! I’ve checked out some of your blog posts and I can tell that you’re a great writer. 😊

  • Alex - Worldwide Travel Tips

    You don’t even know how much I can relate to your 3 reasons. I also love to write about travels, because I have a dream to travel and write about my travels as I have to tell my travel stories. I can’t imagine not writing and sharing experiences with others.

    • S. K. Nijjar

      Hi Alex, I’m glad to hear you can relate to my reasons. It must be great being able to travel the world and only you can tell your stories because everyone has unique experiences.

  • Manisha

    I think those are excellent reasons to write and I look forward to meeting your characters some day soon hopefully. I am not a writer (at least not yet), but my hobby and passion is reading. I have loved reading for as far back as my memory goes. I love it so much because I can travel to exotic places and meet amazing people without ever booking a ticket. I also love being able to think about someone else’s life from their point of view because it helps me learn things about my life. Plus, for me, when I read it’s basically me watching a movie but I am in it at the same time. I love that feeling!

    • S. K. Nijjar

      Reading is such a fun hobby! I’ve loved reading for a long time too. For a lot of writers, reading is what got them interested in writing. I’m looking forward to sharing my characters with the world! Hopefully soon. 😊

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