Books,  Entertainment,  The Immortal Realm

Witches of the Immortal Realm

Photo by Halanna Halila on Unsplash

Hey guys! So last week I did a blog post introducing the Immortal Realm. Today I want to expand on that and tell you about the Witches of the Immortal Realm, because who doesn’t love witches! If you haven’t already, be sure to check out my last blog post here, otherwise you might feel lost.

There are two main types of Witches in the Immortal Realm: Sensory witches and elemental witches. Today I will cover the Sensory witches.

How to explain sensory witches…as the name suggests, their powers have to do with their senses. So as you might expect, there are five different types of sense witches.


A compeller is a type of witch that has powers in their eyes. Some can make people see things, some can see into other people’s memories, others can turn you to dust with a single look or make everyone who looks at them fall in love, although that would be a major annoyance! 

Each compeller will have one unique power that they wield but only the most powerful compellers can compel people to do their bidding. 

One thing that is common between all types of witches is that their power may be a gift or it may be a curse, but they can’t get rid of it. It’s what they were born with.

Auditory Witches

One thing I have to admit is that I haven’t thought of a unique name for all the different types of witches yet. The reason for that is because my character hasn’t learned this information yet, so I’m taking my time. I like to make things unique, and sometimes that means waiting until inspiration strikes. I’m sure my fellow writers will agree that it takes time to come up with good names. Whether that be character names or species names.   

Auditory witches can do some pretty cool things. They can hear the thoughts of animals, other people, they can make other people hear different things. Imagine this:

You’re on the phone with your best friend wishing you could see her. You guys haven’t met since the covid lockdown started. You’re telling her about how you feel like you’re gaining weight since you’re not able to go to the gym anymore. 

She tells you that you’re overthinking it, like you always do. You still look great and things will get back to normal in a few weeks as is. 

So now enter the sound witch: She can make you hear that your best friend is telling you that that’s nothing new, you’re always gaining weight. Just accept it. 

See the problem! Sound witches can be tricky like that.

Olfactory Witches

These witches are unique in their own way. They all have a heightened sense of smell. Which is different from other sense witches in that the others don’t have heightened senses. 

Some olfactory witches can tell what people are feeling because they can smell the pheromones they are emitting. And that doesn’t just apply to attraction and fear, it applies to loneliness, heartbreak, grief, anxiety, etc. 

Some can smell food and tell right away what has gone into it, others can smell sickness and tell if someone will die soon. 

Physical Touch Witches

Most of the time, these witches get the short end of the stick. Their powers are more often a curse than a gift. For example, there is a witch who can’t touch anyone ever again because they will start to burn alive at the touch of her skin. Another man touches people and they forget who he is. Useful for enemies, so they can forget you, but what about family? 

Like all things in life though, there are good things as well as bad. Like the witch who can heal people with a touch, or the one that can help clear someone’s doubts about something.

Gustatory Witches

Who doesn’t love food! Taste can be one of the best of the five senses, and so the taste witches got to be special too, right? Well, sometimes yes, sometimes no. 

What can a witch do with the sense of taste, other than make people taste strange things? It must be a boring power that gets old…not so much. 

There are gustatory witches that can poison a dish just by tasting it. Then there are some that can make someone sick because they may be eating perfectly healthy food, but they keep tasting dirt or acid when they eat it. Then there are those that when they share a meal with someone, that person can never eat anything again except what was cooked in that meal. 

But what about the Elemental Witches?

Well I’m glad you asked because I would love to explain a bit more about them as well before closing off this post. 

Like sensory witches, there are different types of elemental witches. How many? Yup, you’re right. There are four. One controls each element: Air, Water, Fire, Earth.

I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post as much as I enjoyed writing it! Let me know in the comments what you thought of the witches of the Immortal Realm! And also tell me which book or movie had your favorite witches.

I'm Sunaina Nijjar. Writer of YA paranormal romance, college student, and collector of snow globes. I love cooking, baking and all things book related.


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