Dragons of the Immortal Realm

Hey guys, hope you’re having a great weekend! This week, I am excited to share with you more about the dragons of the Immortal Realm. If you remember back to my first introductory blog post about the Immortal Realm, I mentioned a bit about the dragons then but since they are one of my favorite creatures, I figured they deserve their own blog post!
If this is your first time on my blog, welcome to my virtual home! If you want to check out some of the previous Immortal Realm blog posts, here’s the list.
- The Immortal Realm
- Witches of the Immortal Realm
- Elemental Witches of the Immortal Realm
- How to kill an Immortal
- Vampires of the Immortal Realm
- Immortal Realm Mermaids
- Sirens of the Immortal Realm
- Shapeshifters of the Immortal Realm
- Royal Families of the Immortal Realm
- Gnomes of the Immortal Realm
- Spirits of the Immortal Realm
Before starting to share new information about the dragons, here’s a refresher of what I already told you guys about them in the previous Immortal Realm blog posts.
Dragons from the Immortal Realm are a bit different than the usual terrifying huge beasts that you read about in most books. These dragons are small and cute, and they don’t grow beyond the size of a german shepherd. Usually each household has a dragon and they light the fireplaces. Royal households usually have one per room.
Ancient Dragons
There are four ancient dragons still alive that are big majestic beasts like the ones in books and movies. They are the only dragons that can create a sword forged in a dragon’s breath, the weapon that kills an immortal but spares their soul. If you don’t remember this or it doesn’t make sense, check out the blog post How to Kill an Immortal.
The ancient dragons of the Immortal Realm are unique in that they are the only four left. They each have a different color skin, just like the household dragons: blue, green, red and white. Each color of dragon is a different species. The ancient dragons can communicate with other dragons in their species and even with each other. Smaller dragons can’t communicate with others that are not of their same species.
Household Dragons
One thing that is unknown about the household dragons of the Immortal Realm is that they can communicate with Immortals. The reason I say this is unknown is because few, if any, Immortals know that the dragons can telepathically communicate with them. The ancient dragons have trained household dragons to keep this ability a secret from the Immortals, so they rarely ever communicate with them.
They are able to live thousands of years, because every five hundred years, the dragons are reborn like phoenixes. I’ve always found phoenixes fascinating and thought I’d mix it up a bit so that dragons are able to be reborn from their ashes like phoenixes are instead of hatching through eggs like all other dragons. Although unlike phoenixes, they do not spontaneously combust. When it is time for them to be reborn, they meet with the ancient of their species and the fire from their ancient is what turns them to ash and then they are reborn.
One thing you have to be careful about with household dragons is that when they are young, as in the first 50 years of their lives, they can’t fully control their fire so whenever you can tell they’re about to sneeze, run! They sneeze fire and might accidentally burn you. Of course if you’re an Immortal you’ll heal eventually but getting burned does hurt, of course.
I hope you enjoyed learning more about the Immortal Realm Dragons! They were so much fun to come up with and I can’t wait to see what you think of them in my future books.