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Protector Wolves: New Book Idea

Meant to be an image of a protector wolf standing on a hilltop with a forest in the background. This is a new book idea.
Picture found and edited on CanvaPro

Hey guys, this week I’m excited to share with you a new book idea of mine involving protector wolves! I’ve always wanted to write a story featuring werewolves but didn’t do it yet because nothing unique or different came to my mind but now I feel like I’ve found my wolf story. If this is your first time on my website, welcome to my virtual home, glad to have you here! 

Also I wanted to let you guys know that in a couple weeks, I will be doing another Immortal Realm blog post, so if you would like to read through some of the previous posts, check them out here:


Every writer has a different way of finding inspiration for their books. My inspiration has alway come to me in my dreams or randomly when I’m least expecting it. This has advantages and disadvantages. My ideas tend to be unique and characters come to me easily, which is nice. However, a bad thing is that sometimes I can’t come up with a new idea for a while because nothing comes to mind. This isn’t a problem though because I have so many ideas to go off of. 

For this new book idea, it came to me in a dream. It was like watching a scene from a movie, only I could hear her thoughts too!

A girl walked into class and sat down two rows and two columns behind her assignment. It was odd being so close to him. Usually they watched over their assignments but from a distance. The risk of exposure was too great if they were among humans. She clutched her pendant in her hand, praying that it worked. Nobody had ever been this close to the humans before, then again no assignment had been so important nor in so much danger. 

When a loud noise outside woke me up from that dream, I jotted down what I remembered in my dream journal and then went back to sleep. It was only 3 in the morning after all! The next morning when I reread what I’d written I was confused about what to do with it. It was intriguing but I didn’t have a proper sense of who this girl was or why she would be afraid of exposure. Obviously, she wasn’t human but what was she? As I thought more about it, I realized that she could be a werewolf! That got me excited and it seemed to reveal the things that my subconscious had thought up that I wasn’t remembering.

Background Information

When writing, there are so many things that you have to know in order for the story to make sense. A lot of this is background information that never actually makes it into the books. One of my favorite things about blogging is that I can share with you guys some of the interesting background information. 

I don’t know the girl’s name yet, or what she looks like but she is a part of a society of werewolves called the protectors. They live in their own communities away from humans and they are assigned humans to protect. They are considered the guardian angels of the human race. The wolves can shift whenever they want, but they always shift into wolves when they sense that their assignment is in danger. It’s not something they can control at that point. Over the years, many humans have reported being saved by wolves but nobody ever knew that these weren’t any ordinary wolves, they were protector wolves. 

That is why the girl in my dream was afraid of exposure. Being so close to her assignment meant that if she sensed him in danger, she might shift in front of him. Her pendant prevents her from shifting, but nobody has used it in centuries so she doesn’t know if it will work.

I still don’t know what the danger is that the boy she’s protecting is facing. However, I have enough to go on now that I can build on this idea. Eventually, my imagination will fill in the holes.


The story is located in a forrest town where there is a lot of fog and snow. The protector wolves live in villages hidden deep in the forest. Humans can’t reach them because the terrain is so uneven and rough. They have to get there in their wolf forms. 

This was an idea that I dreamt of a few weeks ago, so I really enjoyed sharing it with you guys! Let me know what you think of my new book idea in the comments. 

I'm Sunaina Nijjar. Writer of YA paranormal romance, college student, and collector of snow globes. I love cooking, baking and all things book related.

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